Wedding packages




- 6 hours of wedding coverage
- 400+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-coffee date, wedding help, phone calls and timeline consult
-24 hour sneak peek
-wedding guide
-travel fees may apply

- 8 hours of wedding coverage
- 500+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-coffee date, wedding help, phone calls and timeline consult
-full engagement session
-second shooter
-24 hour sneak peek
-wedding guide
-travel fees may apply

- 10 hours of wedding coverage
- 700+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-coffee date, wedding help, phone calls and timeline consult
-full engagement session
-second shooter
-24 hour sneak peek
-16x24 canvas print
-heirloom box
-wedding guide
-travel fees may apply

10% off for first responders, teachers, and nurses
5% off weddings Monday-Thursday
8.5% Sales Tax for each package 




Add ons:

Second Shooter: $320
Engagement Session: $225
Boudoir Session $300
Additional Hours: $200 per hour

Micro Weddings

30 guests or less

Mini luna

mini Nova

- 4 hours of coverage
-250+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-wedding consultation with help, timeline consultation, and phone calls
-24 hour sneak peek
-travel fees may apply

- 5 hours of coverage
-300+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-wedding consultation with help, timeline consultation, and phone calls
-24 hour sneak peek
-mini engagement session or 16x24 print
-travel fees may apply



Second Shooter: $300
Engagement Session: $225
Boudoir Session $300
Additional Hours: $200 per hour

add ons:

10% off for first responders, teachers, and nurses
5% off weddings Monday-Thursday
8.5% Sales Tax for each package 




- 3 hours elopement coverage
-200+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-wedding/elopement guide
-24 hour sneak peek
-travel fees may apply 

- 4 hours elopement coverage
-250+ high resolution edited images on an online gallery
-wedding/elopement guide
-24 hour sneak peek
-travel fees may apply

10% off for first responders, teachers, and nurses
5% off weddings Monday-Thursday
8.5% Sales Tax for each package 

Second Shooter: $200
Engagement Session: $225
Boudoir Session $300
Additional Hours: $200 per hour

add ons:



10 guests or less